Did you ever have people come into your life unexpectedly and add a dimension that brings joy and laughter?
Let me tell you our experience.
Three years ago I was scheduled to have surgery for a total knee replacement. Now I have had numerous orthopedic surgeries and one thing I learned is that post-op physical therapy is nearly as important as the surgery itself.
Taking no chances, I decided to interview physical therapists. I went from one to another talking about rehab after surgery.
I went into Accelerated Rehab in Valparaiso, Indiana. I was greeted by a woman with an accent. I told Renata of my upcoming surgery.
Hardly before I could get the words out of my mouth she was handing me a stack of papers with pre-op exercises and the admonition that you must do these even if you come here or not.
We talked some more and she finished with "and my patients who have total knee replacement leave here with 130 degrees flexibility, and you are not going to change that!"
I thought, "what a b----, perfect!"
Renata turned out to be the most compassionate -- and skilled -- physical therapist that I have ever had the pleasure of being tortured by. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" as she bent your leg beyond where it wanted to be bent.
She was, and is delightful. And since that time she and her husband, Art, who is also a physical therapist, and two daughters, have become very good friends with Donna and I. Actually, more family than friends.
At Christmas Renata called Donna excitedly to tell her how Art had given her a Pandora bracelet with charms as a gift. How nice, I thought. That was until Renata urged me to get one for Donna whose birthday was in January.
So I did. Since then the girls have exchanged umpteen charms, at the expense of Art and my bank accounts. They even exchanged Best Friend charms. And they enjoy, and it gives me great pleasure to see them both light up.
Now it's dresses.
Last week Renata calls, "Donna, I am ordering this dress, do you want one?"
"Sure, in black," Donna says. And off we go.
Whether it's popping in at one house or another, a movie, or dinner out or in, our home is always open to Art, Renata and children and we feel the same about theirs.
It's wonderful having Art and Renata and children as a part of our family.